I Love Chinese

Born in China, grew up in Sweden, now back in China again. Currently on a break from my Law studies at Uppsala University to study Chinese at Beijing University. This is my story.

We Fumble With Chopsticks

Ödmjukaste tjänare!
Liltricks' LJ
Now It's Powm!

Chinese Cuisine

Dagens Nyheter
Svenska Dagbladet
BBC News
Swedish-English Dictionary
Beijing University
Juridiska Institutionen, Uppsala University
Västmanland-Dala Nation
My Photos

Adventures With Chopsticks

"Gay" in Chinese (and other less interesting things)
Shopping and Kro's
This is how good Swedish chocolate is -
2006-10-15 Sunday
Dirt Market and 133t haggling skillz
Shopping times
Character fun

Take Out Boxes

May 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007

Fortunes Can Be Funny

Fortune Cookies

 This is me... JadenKale

It's Chinese Take Out Time

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 - Brrrrr

Signs of cold:

- two blankets is barely enough
- you wear woolly socks to bed
- you wake up wearing woolly socks and your feet are still not warm
- you wear your down jacket indoors
- when showering, the water is no longer scalding, just warm
- indoors, you can’t keep warm in a big knit sweater – instead, you come inside, dive under your covers and proceed to study on the bed, taking care to expose your hands as little as possible when scribbling
- in the morning, no matter how tired, you’re instantly awake as soon as you lift the covers. The blast of cold air keeps you awake as you hurriedly put on your clothes – I’ve taken to having an outfit game plan ready before getting out of bed, to avoid the freezing deliberation
- you wear woolly socks with your warmest boots
- the baozi place is closed during the day, because nobody’s insane enough to eat outside anymore.
I swear, the temperature in the air is like Swedish winter already. And just a few weeks ago, it was like 20 C in the sun! And it’s not even windy yet – when the Siberian winds set in, hoo boy. And yet, the locals aren’t overly concerned, instead warning me that when the central heating does get turned on (Nov 1st), I will be sweating to death instead. But lemme tell ya, no matter how uncomfortable that’ll be, I’ll still prefer being too warm to not being able to feel my toes unless I’m showering.

(me and Hannah walk past a popcorn stand, the smell of sickeningly sweet, Chinese-buttered popcorn wafting through the air)
Hannah: “Do you only have sweet popcorns?”
Vendor: “Of course. Salty popcorns 不好吃! (taste bad)”
As a secular Swede, that’s the closest to sacrilege I’ve ever heard.

(Canadian guy, on his Halloween outfit.)
“I’m thinking of dressing up as Harry Potter. (Note: He has messy hair and glasses, so it would work) But I’ve been Harry Potter so many times already, so this time, I want to be Hermione. I’m going to buy a wig and some *explanatory motion over his chest*”
Me: “Oh, so you’re going to put on make-up too?”
Canadian: “Yes.”
Me: “And shave your face?”
Canadian: “No.”
Me: “Umm.. are you going to wear pantyhose?”
Canadian: “Yes.”
Me: “And shave your legs?”
Canadian: “No.”
Me: “… So you’re basically going to dress up as a hairy drag queen?”
Canadian: “Yes.”

(In Chinese Media Reading class – towards the end of the class, and everyone’s tired and want to go home)
Teacher: “’And also..’ *squints at complicated sentence* bla bla bla bla bla bla.”

Feifei fumbled with chopsticks @ 10/25/2006 11:01:00 AM| 9 enjoyed the dumplings

9 enjoyed the dumplings
Anonymous Anonymous finished the dumplings and said..

i find it so strange that you are from scandinavia... and are havening issues with the cold weather... its like asking a homeless street bum weather he'd like some crack...
that and im not suprised how your (culturally influenced) fasanation of the weather has influenced you to write a whole list on the cold...

WTF?! how can they not have savoury popcorn? wtf not even kettle corn? (the salt and sugar in the same bag kind) OMG no hot and spicy popcorn???? grah... i pitty the fool...
and i dont even like sweet popcorn unless its caramel... even then you can only eat so much before you feel like your brain is going to jump out of your head if you dont keep bouncing around...
i think it would be most best if you took a photo of this hairy hermione... we'd all like to be indulged...

i'd think it is my duty to point out that you are no longer the sterotypical asian tourist... with her camera out at all oportunity... that or your just not uploading... and it is your duty to upload and share...

btw... how does china feel about a festival bought to you by sugar in all its candied forms... and how does door to door knocking go down with the chinese... i know my parents would always be wary of the neighbourhood kids, and give them fruit... and one year potatoes.... dont ask...

October 25, 2006 2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous finished the dumplings and said..

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh....feifei, hope u re super. well, u are super but u know what i mean. not 2 be confuser with the swedish word super though. or, well, one of the meainings of super.

Damit mike, what i do on my own free time is none of my buisness, but when i write on this blogg i expect myself to maintain a professional veneir (el dylik stavning)

summary of my msg: WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH, c u on skype and in china (c mail)

October 25, 2006 9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous finished the dumplings and said..

liltrix: word!

October 25, 2006 9:38 PM  
Blogger Feifei finished the dumplings and said..

I get that question about Scandinavia and cold ALL the time, and believe you me, I am so not used to it even after all these years. Give me hot and sweaty over cold and shivering any day. And lil, you'd write an entire list on being cold if you went to bed wearing woolly socks!! I studied in Hannah's room today, each under her own blanket, cuz it's too cold to be in the room in normal clothes.
And I have a few photos waiting in line, but I've had way too much to do and frankly have been too lazy to wait for the eternity it takes to upload things here. But I will do my best to capture Hermione in drag on camera.
As for Halloween, I don't think Chinese celebrate it at all other than a Western-induced occasion to party. And either way, I won't be home to give candy to spoiled 4-2-1s, hehe. Suckers =D

October 27, 2006 1:42 AM  
Blogger Feifei finished the dumplings and said..


October 27, 2006 1:42 AM  
Blogger Kevin finished the dumplings and said..

I thought you didn't even like popcorn? I must have really not been paying attention all this time.
And I definitely remember you being a lot more succeptible to heat or cold than most people. But then again, the folks here in Tucson have started bundling up. getting their warm pants and boots to the fall temperatures of 27C high and 10C low. You'd fit in well here.

November 11, 2006 12:59 PM  
Blogger Feifei finished the dumplings and said..

Kevin: Where in the post does it say I like popcorns..?

November 11, 2006 9:31 PM  
Blogger Kevin finished the dumplings and said..

Vendor: “Of course. Salty popcorns 不好吃! (taste bad)”
As a secular Swede, that’s the closest to sacrilege I’ve ever heard.

I suppose it implies that if you consider it sacrilege, then you think salty popcorn (singular) is good.

November 12, 2006 12:37 PM  
Blogger Feifei finished the dumplings and said..

Popcorn should be salty. That is the way of things... Or so I thought up until yesterday, when I gobbled up a friend's sweet popcorn. I blame it on the novelty though, I still don't like it.

November 12, 2006 12:44 PM  

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